martedì 17 settembre 2013

The Band Speaks About Their Last European Tour

By Jorge Esteban Benavides Noguera

Leticia was the starting point for Doctor Krapula's Planet Tour 2013 . In June they were in the United States and the rest of the season was reserved for Europe, especially Germany, where the group from Bogotà gave more than 20 concerts. "Although the Germans did not understand the lyrics of our songs, they understood our message and proposal in general," says the band.

The international public response:
"People know that Colombia has a great musical potential and we feel that they both enjoy the sounds of our country and the rest of Latin America. We add this to our proposal, and the people reaction is amazing: it turns into a party that they and we enjoy together. People also connect with our lyrics that denounce problems that are common throughout Latin America, and propose positive messages of change and awareness with which many people feel identified ".

A bitter moment in the tour:
"There was a concert in a town of Germany, in which we played outdoor in a beautiful park, but no one paid attention, only a small group of 'Nazi' throught us the sole of a boot, which bothered us much, and after having made them the claim, they behaved more respectfully, but the concert was beyond repair. "

Germany in the words of Doctor Krapula:

" It is one of the countries that have treated us better. The people are very open minded, very environmentally conscious and are keen to know the Latin American culture. A country in which we like touring because the circuit is very organized, full of festivals and musical events ranging almost from Monday to Friday. Moreover, travelling by car is very relaxing, there is no toll, no speed limit, and you can go to villages and cities without having to travel long distances ".


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