domenica 26 maggio 2013

Doctor Krapula reveals his very soul...

-Mario (vocals)"we created the concept of Doctor Krápula which is: make people dance but also think. Strong music, strong message."

-Germán (guitar)"DR.K for me is a place where any idea or thought fits in, whether spiritual or trivial. It's a place where 5 people with different ways of thinking get together through music and that's how I like to see DR.K, it's as I want to see a country or a planet: a place where everybody co-exists and we're all happy, relaxed and music is our vehicle."

-Mario (vocals): "DR.K is my life, my school, my university. It's been my classroom and this is my stake to life in order to leave a meaningful grain of sand in Latin American society. It's my bet."

-Niko (drums): "DR.K for me is everything. DR.K is the air I breathe everyday. The clean air we want to breathe. It's the food I eat; it's the hope I keep everyday to grow as a person, as a human being, as a father, as a musician, as an artist, as a citizen."

-Sergio (keyboards, accordion)"I think DR.K is more like a social movement because everytime we play or everytime that our music is on the radio or when people come to see our performance, they feel identified with our lyrics like La Fuerza del Amor, El Pibe de mi Barrio or Para Todos Todo. They feel related with what we're saying and denouncing and we're also giving them options. It's not only about destroying but  about building and people have joined us in that road of construction."

-David (bass): "DR.K is a miracle because the life of each and everyone of us is a miracle. We've discovered that being together is a blessing and very few people can work in what they really want to in their hearts and I feel that DR.K is the opportunity to be honest with ourselves and be who we want to be, think what we want to think and say what we want to say and especially in a country like Colombia, where each time a leader says something sensible gets killed or where if a syndicalist asks for rights gets killed, that's where DR.K has become a popular power, that's the miracle! Our music, our words belong to people and they have them in their hearts."

-Mario (vocals): "(...)Colombia is getting tired of those groups that look for a leadership through terror. We can't be governed by fear, terror and sadness.
10 years ago, I thought I had to start a project to have something strong to hold on to life and I knew I couldn't do it alone, so I thought I had to find someone who would join me on this road towards a social, political and artistic life project.
Colombia needs a band that says things, that has a position and creates blisters, love and feelings in people."

from the DVD Corazon Bombea, 2010

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